mandag 29. desember 2008
7days:7 :: out walking :: på tur - 365 :: 26.12
We have the most wonderful sunrises this Holiday, and I've been thinking of a walk and capture some of the greatness.
While out, I thought of how fun this 7days is and how grateful I am for finding it, that I could join the group.
This last photo of mine is a similar shot to last time , but no green leaves, not so bright sun and mittens in the cold air.
See you next time!
7days:6 :: merry, merry :: god jul - 365 :: 25.12
It's early Christmas Day and this shot did not come out the way I pictured in my head. It's all about the light, - to dark this early in the morning althoug the lights on the Christmas tree is shining in the background. Bit still, - it's the season, this "dark" time of year, so it feels right that this shot is just the way it is.
I'm wearing my badge I got in my advent calendar (she made it for me!) and it says "Happy Holiday/ Merry Christmas" in Norwegian: God Jul.
I'll wear it all day today and tomorrow :-)
May you all have a wonderful day, - God jul!
7days:3 :: first bite :: første biten {365 :: 22.12}
Christmas cookies, - the first bite is always kind of scary: Does it taste like i remember from last year?
If you'd like to know, I think it dit! Or, - it doesn't matter that much, after all, as long as it taste ... chrismassy wonderful!
7days:2 :: camera & fleece :: kamera & fleece {365 :: 21.12}
Me and my camera, - and my cozy warm fleece jacket! It was cold when I got home, so I wrapped this "blanket" around me and went to the mirror to get today's photo. Almost half through the longest night of the year.
By the way, - I've cut my hair today!
It felt great to get it this short again. Why did I wait so long before I cut it?
advent :: beate #19 {365 :: 19.12}
Litt for den søte gane + tanker om tv bruk og hva som vises der.
Somethisn for the sweet tooth and thoughts about watching tv shows.
advent :: beate #13b {365 :: 17.12}
In use, - the coffee that came with advent #13.
Endelig i bruk, - kaffen som kom sammen med adventspakkesak #13.
lucky med :: flaks {365 :: 12.12}
Enda en gevinst, gitt! Og nå så jeg den jaggumeg.
I got it, I got it, - yes, I got it once more!
advent :: beate #10 {365 :: 10.12}
Bøker er en stor lidenskap, - eller mer riktig: Det å lese bøker. Jeg må ikke eie dem. Men selv lånte bøker trenger bokmerker for å bli tatt godt vare på. ps. sjekk den smarte, lille bokhylla, da!
Books have been in my life for so long, - I love to read.
advent :: elisabeth #9b {365 :: 09.12}
Niks, ingen gevinst.
... med briller og venners hjelp: 25 kr holder til nytt lodd og en ny sjanse: hurra!
Nope, no luck.
Or wsa there? I can use the 25 Nkr to the right and get me another ticket. Might hit the jackpot on that one.
work-out :: trening {365 :: 04.12}
Dagen startet tidlig med trening før resten av dagens gjøremål/ oppgaver startet.
The day started early at the gym before the rest of today's program started at home.
advent :: elisabeth #3b {365 :: 03.12}
Jeg spiste sjokoladen mens jeg koste meg med den nye utgaven til mankind mag.
I had a quiet time eating the chocolate and reading the new mankind mag
advent :: elisabeth #1 {365 :: 01.12}
2 sjokoladebiter, - bare til meg, begge to! Hurra! Kaffen smakte ekstra godt ved lunsjtider.
2 pieces of chocolate, just for meg, both of them! Yay! Tasted lovely with my coffee at lunch time.